So, my sons and friends (aka Homeless Criminals) have always had a studio at the pad n stuff. This is at Nana and Papas house and they've always been hella cool about their music n stuff.
Papa would usually always be watching his shows on tv n stuff and smokin a joint every hour on the hour.
One evening all my sons and friends were in the studio collaborating and Papa decided to go fire up with the boys, so he went to the studio and they all smoked out. After they were all high Papa agreed to record a song n stuff.
This would become one of the most memorable nights ever. Since Papa passed away, this song allows us to hear his voice & this is truly his words.
My son Michael (Rednose) is also a producer (Pitlock Productions). He is an extraordinary musician. One of my dads, Papas, favorite groups was the Bee Gees.
Michael took a Bee Gees song & morphed Papas song into it and it's FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!
So, please listen to it n stuff. My dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and his song reflects that.
Papa's Song